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I’m now using my Raspberry Pi 3 fully as my main workstation. It’s great to have such a power in such a small device consuming minimal amount of energy. While I still use the powerful AMD PC remotely through a VNC client for work and using Moonlight/NVIDIA streaming for gaming most of the time I’m on the RPi alone. As most of my contacts I’m chatting with are available on Skype it was a bit of a pain not to have a Skype client installed. So I looked for solutions and found I’m able to compile a Skype Web plugin for Pidgin. I can’t believe there is not enough information around the web how to do so, so here’s my small guide.
First at all, install Pidgin:
If you would like to compile it on your own, follow the guide below:
First at all, install Pidgin:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pidgin
I prepared a Raspbian package ready to install. Download skypeweb-1.1.0-rpi.deb . Once downloaded, install it using:sudo dpkg -i skypeweb-1.1.0-Linux.deb
At this point ensure you exit Pidgin. Closing it using X button won’t work. You must right-click on the taskbar icon and select Quit. Now open it again. Under Accounts -> Manage Accounts -> Add… you should have Skype (HTTP) as available option.Enjoy!
If you would like to compile it on your own, follow the guide below:
sudo apt-get install git libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev libpurple-dev cmake gcc
git clone git://
cd skype4pidgin/skypeweb
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
mv skypeweb-1.1.0-Linux.deb ~
cd ~
rm -Rf ~/skype4pidgin
Once you execute all the commands, you’ll have a shiny new debian package under your home directory.
Author Ivan Zhekov